Parent Quotes And Sayings


Parent Quotes And Sayings

Education begins at home and I applaud the parents who recognize that they – not someone else – must take responsibility to assure that their children are well educated.”
– Ernest Istook

“The joys of parents are secret, and so are their grieves and fears.”
– Francis Bacon

“Tyranny or slavery, born of selfishness, are the two educational methods of parents; all gradations of tyranny or slavery.”
– Franz Kafka

“Parents are like shuttles on a loom. They join the threads of the past with threads of the future and leave their own bright patterns as they go.”
– Fred Rogers

“Indecision and delays are the parents of failure.”
– George Canning

“Parents lend children their experience and a vicarious memory; children endow their parents with a vicarious immortality.”
– George Santayana

“All children alarm their parents, if only because you are forever expecting to encounter yourself.”
– Gore Vidal

“A Sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents.”
– H. L. Mencken

“You know that being an American is more than a matter of where your parents came from. It is a belief that all men are created free and equal and that everyone deserves an even break.”
– Harry S. Truman

“The parents have not only to train their children: it is of at least equal importance that they should train themselves.”
– Havelock Ellis

“From your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. But when books are opened you discover that you have wings.”
– Helen Hayes

“I believe that one defines oneself by reinvention. To not be like your parents. To not be like your friends. To be yourself. To cut yourself out of stone.”
– Henry Rollins

“We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.”
– Henry Ward Beecher

“Of course, parents are the most important people in a child’s life.”
– Hillary Clinton

“When I was growing up, my parents always told me that I had to do what I thought was right and not listen to other people. That was hard for me.”
– Hillary Clinton

“I feel very lucky because of my parents and then my education, the opportunities that I’ve had, so I would like to continue working to improve lives for others.”
– Hillary Clinton

“It is of no consequence of what parents a man is born, as long as he be a man of merit.”
– Horace

“As you get older you have more respect and empathy for your parents. Now I have a great relationship with both of them.”
– Hugh Jackman

“We write not only for children but also for their parents. They, too, are serious children.”
– Isaac Bashevis Singer

“However my parents – both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing quirk that would never pay a mortgage or secure a pension.”
– J. K. Rowling

“Of all the subjects on this planet, I think my parents would have been hard put to name one less useful than Greek mythology to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.”
– J. K. Rowling

“I think the one thing this picture shows that’s new is the psychological disproportion of the kids’ demands on the parents. Parents are often at fault, but the kids have some work to do, too.”
– James Dean

“Whenever a youth is ascertained to possess talents meriting an education which his parents cannot afford, he should be carried forward at the public expense.”
– James Madison

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.”
– Jane D. Hull

“My parents’ divorce left me with a lot of sadness and pain and acting, and especially humour, was my way of dealing with all that.”
– Jennifer Aniston

“As an adult, I can’t blame my parents any more.”
– Jennifer Aniston

“Of course, the ideal scenario for parenting is obviously two parents of a mature age.”
– Jennifer Aniston

Hope is the greatest thing for moms of autism. Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning. I’m on a mission to tell parents that there is a way.”
– Jenny McCarthy

“When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the ideal unit.”
– Jerry Falwell

“My parents didn’t want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that’s the law.”
– Jerry Seinfeld

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