Jack Canfield Quotes And Sayings


Jack Canfield Quotes And Sayings

Here is a collection of Jack Canfield quotes and sayings. An American motivational speaker and author, Jack is most well-known as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.

“A recent management study revealed that 46% of employees leaving a company do so because they feel underappreciated; 61% said their bosses don’t place much importance on them as people, and 88% said they do not receive acknowledgement for the work they do.”
– Jack Canfield

“All you have to do is DECIDE what you want. BELIEVE you DESERVE IT, and PRACTICE the success PRINCIPLES.”
– Jack Canfield

“And so I wait. I wait for time to heal the pain and raise me to me feet once again – so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again.”
– Jack Canfield

“And that was everything.”
– Jack Canfield

“As you begin to take action toward the fulfillment of your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect. Not every action will produce the desired result. Not every action will work. Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right.”
– Jack Canfield

“As you take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind, you will discover a nice benefit: your everyday, “ordinary” life will begin to seem far more extraordinary. Little things that previously went unnoticed will begin to please you. You’ll be more easily satisfied, and happier all around. Rather than focusing on what’s wrong with your life, you’ll find yourself thinking about and more fully enjoying what’s right with your life. The world won’t change, but your perception of it will. You’ll start to notice the little acts of kindness and caring from other people rather than the negativity and anger.”
– Jack Canfield

“Carry your most important goal in your wallet.”
– Jack Canfield

“Chicken Soup for the Soul … Stories for a Better World.”
– Jack Canfield

“Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you. And then close your eyes and every day for several minutes, and visualize having what you already want, feeling the feelings of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you’re grateful for already, and really enjoy it. Then go into your day and release it to the Universe and trust that the Universe will figure out how to manifest it.”
– Jack Canfield

“Don’t kid yourself. Be honest with yourself. Take your own inventory.”
– Jack Canfield

“Each day is an adventure in discovering the meaning of life. It is each little thing that you do that day – whether it be spending time with your friends, running in a cross-country meet or just simply staring at the crashing ocean- that holds the key to discovering the meaning of life. I would rather be out enjoying these things than pondering them. We may never really discover the meaning of life, but the knowledge we gain in our quest to discover it is truly more valuable.”
– Jack Canfield

“Her essay about the wedding ring was short. Kerr wrote: “Things are just things – they have no power to hurt or to heal. Only people can do that. And we can all choose whether to be hurt or healed by the people who love us.”
– Jack Canfield

“I call it the hand of God.”
– Jack Canfield

“I teach something called The Law of Probabilities, which says the more things you try, the more likely one of them will work. The more books you read, the more likely one of them will have an answer to a question that could solve the major problems of your life.. make you wealthier, solve a health problem, whatever it might be.”
– Jack Canfield

“I think there’s too much emphasis placed on learning things by rote that you don’t really care about. So what happens to students in school is that they eventually lose interest in learning, because they’ve been forced to learn the required courses, rather than pursing their passion.”
– Jack Canfield

“If something doesn’t turn out as planned, you will ask yourself, ‘How did I create that? What was I thinking? What were my beliefs? What did I say or not say? What did I do or not do to create that result? How did I get the other person to act that way? What do I need to do differently next time to get the result I want?”
– Jack Canfield

“If you are going to be successful, you have to start hanging out with the successful people. You need to ask them to share their success strategies with you. Then try them on and see if they fit for you. Experiment with doing what they do, reading what they read, thinking the way they think, and so on. If the new ways of thinking and behaving work, adopt them. If not, drop them, and keep looking and experimenting.”
– Jack Canfield

“If you surveyed your life and jotted down those activities that brought you the most success, the most financial gain, the most advancement, and the most enjoyment, you discover about 20% of your activity produces about 80% of your success. This phenomenon is the basis for the Pareto Principle, named after the nineteenth-century economist who discovered 80% of an enterprise’s revenue comes from 20% of its customers.”
– Jack Canfield

“If you want to be really successful, and I know you do, then you will have to give up blaming and complaining and take total responsibility for your life — that means all your results, both your successes and your failures. That is the prerequisite for creating a life of success.”
– Jack Canfield

“I’m a big believer in growth. Life is not about achievement, it’s about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us.”
– Jack Canfield

“It is time to stop looking outside yourself for the answers to why you haven’t created the life and results you want, for it is you who creates the quality of life you lead and the results you produce. You–no one else! To achieve major success in life–to achieve those things that are most important to you–you must assume 100% responsibility for your life. Nothing less will do.”
– Jack Canfield

“Keep in mind that part of growing up is dealing with difficult issues, and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of tough times all by themselves.”
– Jack Canfield

“Life is not about achievement, it’s about learning and growth, and developing qualities like compassion, patience, perseverance, love, and joy, and so forth. And so if that is the case, then I think our goals should include something which stretches us.”
– Jack Canfield

“Make sure to immediately write down any impressions you receive. Intuitive impressions are often subtle and therefore ‘evaporate’ very quickly, so make sure to capture them in writing as soon as possible. Recent research in neuroscience indicates that an intuitive insight — or any new idea — not captured within 37 seconds is likely never to be recalled again. In 7 minutes, it’s gone forever. As my buddy Mark Victor Hansen likes to say, ‘As soon as you think it, ink it!”
– Jack Canfield

“Most of life is on-the-job training. Some of the most important things can only be learned in the process of doing them. You do something and you get feedback — about what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t do anything for fear of doing it wrong, poorly, or badly, you never get any feedback, and therefore you never get to improve.”
– Jack Canfield

“Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. So when you think a sustained thought it is immediately sent out into the Universe. That thought magnetically attaches itself to the like frequency, and then within seconds sends the reading of that frequency back to you through your feelings. Put another way, your feelings are communicated back to you from the Universe, telling you what frequency you are currently on. Your feelings are your frequency feedback mechanism!”
– Jack Canfield

“Self-esteem is a huge piece of my work. You have to believe it’s possible and believe in yourself. Because after you’ve decided what you want, you have to believe it’s possible, and possible for you, not just for other people. Then you need to seek out models, mentors, and coaches.”
– Jack Canfield

“Strive to be as positive as you can be. Give up complaining and blaming and look for the best in every situation. Not only will you attract other positive people into your life, you may be the beacon that inspires others to shift their attitudes, as well.”
– Jack Canfield

“Success depends on getting good at saying no without feeling guilty. You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s projects. You can only get ahead with your desired lifestyle if you are focused on the things that will produce that lifestyle.”
– Jack Canfield

“The first principle the money lender teaches Arkad is: ‘A part of all you earn must be yours to keep.’ He goes on to explain that by putting aside at least 10% of his earnings — and making that money inaccessible for expenses — Arkad would see this amount build over time, and, in turn, start earning money on its own. Over an even longer time, it would grow into a lot, because of the power of compound interest.”
– Jack Canfield

“The most successful people I’ve met love what they do so much, they would actually do it for free. But they’re successful because they’ve found a way to make a living doing what they love to do. If you’re not skilled enough to do the work you’d love to do, make time to educate yourself so you are. Do whatever it takes to prepare — working part time in your dream job or even volunteering as an intern — while still maintaining your current job.”
– Jack Canfield

“The Principle Always Work if you Work the Principles”
– Jack Canfield

“The problem is that most people focus on their failures rather than their successes. But the truth is that most people have many more successes than failures, if only they count all the small daily successes we all achieve ? driving to work without an accident, getting the kids to and from school, making dinner for the family.”
– Jack Canfield

“The same principles work; you’re clear about your purpose, if you set goals, if you have a clear vision, if you visualize your goals complete, if you take action, if you respond to feedback, if you persevere in the face of obstacles, if you build relationships, if you are appreciative, you know we could go down the list.”
– Jack Canfield

“The true task of spiritual life is not found in faraway places or unusual states of consciousness. It is here in the present. It asks of us a welcoming spirit to greet all that life presents to us with a wise, respectful, and kindly heart. We can bow to both beauty and suffering, to our entanglements and confusion, to our fears and to the injustices of the world. Honoring the truth in this way is the path to freedom.”
– Jack Canfield

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