Jack Canfield Quotes And Sayings


Jack Canfield Quotes And Sayings

”Or, we could modify our responses until we get whatever outcomes we are desiring. We could improve our communication patterns with our boss and children to see more positive results.”
Jack Canfield

”Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we’re on track or not, whether we’re on course or off course. See it’s the feeling that really creates the attraction not just the picture or the thought.”
– Jack Canfield

”Our job is not to figure out the ‘how’. The ‘how’ will show up out of the commitment and believe in the ‘what?’.”
– Jack Canfield

”Part of paying the price is the willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. It comes from a declaration that you are going to get it done no matter what it takes, no matter how long it takes, no matter what comes up.”
– Jack Canfield

People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you’ve figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.”
– Jack Canfield

Persistence and determination along are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
– Jack Canfield

”Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.”
– Jack Canfield

”Recognize fear for what it is: a mental trick that your ego uses in attempt to protect you from the negative outcomes it imagines.”
– Jack Canfield

”Repeat your affirmations every morning and night for a month, and they will become an automatic part of your thinking, woven into the very fabric of your being.”
– Jack Canfield

”Self-esteem is based on feeling capable and feeling lovable.”
– Jack Canfield

”Small steps will help to build confidence and dissipate your fear, while also creating momentum to attract the resources you need to achieve your biggest goals.”
– Jack Canfield

”Some people fold after making one timid request. They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers. In sales there are usually four or five no’s” before you get a “yes”.”
– Jack Canfield

”Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.”
– Jack Canfield

Success is a combination to a lock. You need to find what works for you.”
– Jack Canfield

”Success isn’t magic or hocus-pocus — its simply learning how to focus.”
– Jack Canfield

”Successful people hold a bias for action. Add inspiration and intention to the mix, and you gain an unstoppable momentum.”
– Jack Canfield

”Summon a waterfall. When you need extra strength, summon a waterfall to surround you. It’s a visualization technique to lift you up against negative thinking. Picture it like the fountain in front of the Belagio.”
– Jack Canfield

”Taking action is essential if you want to achieve your goals, dreams, and desires. To ensure that you stay in action, one of the most important qualities you must develop is persistence.”
– Jack Canfield

”That means we can’t blame work, our upbringing, or the government for whatever it is we are lacking. It’s completely up to us.”
– Jack Canfield

”The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they enjoy most.”
– Jack Canfield

”The Law of Attraction say, It will give you what ever it is your are focused on.”
– Jack Canfield

”The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, think about, read about, and talk about intensely, you’re going to attract more of into your life.”
– Jack Canfield

”The problem is that most people focus on their failures rather than their successes. But the truth is that most people have many more successes than failures.”
– Jack Canfield

”The problem is the average person isn’t tuned in to lifelong learning, or going to seminars and so forth. If the information is not on television, and it’s not in the movies they watch, and it’s not in the few books that they buy, they don’t get it.”
– Jack Canfield

”The willingness to do whatever is required is the magic ingredient that helps you persevere in the face of challenges, setbacks, pain, and even personal injury.”
– Jack Canfield

”There are essentially two things that will make you wise — the books you read and the people you meet.”
– Jack Canfield

“There are no limits to what you can create for you, because your ability to think is unlimited! But you cannot create other people’s lives for them. You cannot think for them, and if you try to force your opinions on others you will only attract like forces to you. So let all others create the life they want.”
– Jack Canfield

”There are only two words that will always lead you to success. Those words are yes and no. Undoubtedly, you’ve mastered saying yes. So start practicing saying no. Your goals depend on it!”
– Jack Canfield

”There is no right reaction. There is only your reaction.”
– Jack Canfield

”To change bad habits, we must study the habits of successful role models.”
– Jack Canfield

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