Great Inspirational Quotes To Awe You And Change Your Life


Great Inspirational Quotes To Awe You And Change Your Life

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain.”
– Dolly Parton

“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.
Donald Trump

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
– Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee

Change can come in either of two important ways: Start behaving positively or stop behaving negatively.”
– Dr. Phil 

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”
– E.E. Cummings

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt

“The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”
– Elisabeth Kübler-Ross 

“I dwell in possibility.”
– Emily Dickenson

“His talent was as natural as the pattern that was made by the dust on a butterfly’s wings. At one time he understood it no more than the butterfly did and he did not know when it was brushed or marred. Later he became conscious of his damaged wings and of their construction and he learned to think and could not fly any more because the love of flight was gone and he could only remember when it had been effortless.”
– Ernest Hemingway 

“I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family — and I don’t think I could ask for anything more than that, actually.”
– Frank Sinatra 

“There are seven things that will destroy us: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Religion without sacrifice; Politics without principle; Science without humanity; Business without ethics.”
– Gandhi 

“People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.”
– George Bernard Shaw 

“Matt 13:57. “Then Jesus told them, ‘A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family.’ ” The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.”
– George Carlin 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
– George Eliot

“Don’t be afraid your life will end. Be afraid that it will never begin.”
– Grace Hansen

“A wedding is just like a funeral except that you get to smell your own flowers.”
– Grace Hansen

“The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning; to create a product or service to make the world a better place.
– Guy Kawasaki

“The only thing that I have done that is not mitigated by luck, diminished by good fortune, is that I persisted, and other people gave up.”
– Harrison Ford 

“There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.”
Henry Ford

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”
– Henry Ford

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re probably right.”
– Henry Ford 

“When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt.”
– Henry J. Kaiser 

“A real entrepreneur is somebody who has no safety net underneath them.
– Henry Kravis

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk.”
– J.C. Penny

“If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.
– Jack Welch

“The children have been a wonderful gift to me, and I’m thankful to have once again seen our world through their eyes. They restore my faith in the family’s future.”
– Jacqueline Kennedy 

“The dreamers are the saviors of the world.”
– James Allen

“As a leader, you have to not only do the right thing, but be perceived to be doing the right thing. A consequence of seeking a leadership position is being put under intense public scrutiny, being held to high standards, and enhancing a reputation that is constantly under threat.”
– Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Andrew Ward

“If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
– Jim Rohn

“Poor people have big TV. Rich people have big library.
– Jim Rohn

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