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 Lynn's Laughter Blip for February

By Lynn Shaw, Laugh Therapist

The Midwest has experienced a tough winter with enough snow and ice to create a lasting memory. Though we know it is winter, there is some surprise element when we hear, "You're getting three more inches of snow!" The last thing most of us want to do is frolic with glee and play in the fresh fallen wintry sparkles of white. No, we usually huddle down under the quilt, stock up on our favorite beverage, continue our hibernation, and groan about living in this climate. 

Enter the spirit of laughter! Try this: Visualize yourself laughing and knowing that your spirit is soaring with every laughter breath. Just the image of seeing yourself laughing can create a simulated effect of energy! Try again. Maybe, just maybe if you keep visualizing your spirit soaring with laughter, you'll believe that spring is coming. 

In the spirit of healthy heart month: Hee Hee Hee Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho. . . . 



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Lynn Shaw is a laughter therapist and the creator of the
www.Self-HealingExpressions.com e-learning course "Laughter for the Healing Heart." Lynn's site is www.lynnshaw.com

Copyright (c) 2002 Lynn Shaw. All rights reserved. For permission to publish this article, email contact@selfhealingexpressions.com



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