Wayne Dyer Quotes And Sayings


Wayne Dyer Quotes And Sayings

“Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you.”
Wayne Dyer

Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.”
– Wayne Dyer

“My belief is that the truth is a truth until you organize it, and then becomes a lie. I don’t think that Jesus was teaching Christianity, Jesus was teaching kindness, love, concern, and peace. What I tell people is don’t be Christian, be Christ-like. Don’t be Buddhist, be Buddha-like.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.”
– Wayne Dyer

“No one can create negativity or stress within you. Only you can do that by virtue of how you process your world.”
– Wayne Dyer

“No one knows enough to be a pessimist.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Not only do you become what you think about, but the world also becomes what you think about. Those who think that the world is a dark place are blind to the light that might illuminate their lives. Those who see the light of the world view the dark spots as merely potential light.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Once you believe in yourself.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Only the insecure strive for security.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Our intention creates our reality.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Our lives are a sum total of the choices we have made.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Our lives are greatly enriched when we immerse ourselves in literature and spiritual writing, not because we are going to be tested but purely for the sake of enrichment.”
– Wayne Dyer

Passion is a feeling that tells you: this is the right thing to do. Nothing can stand in my way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. This feeling is so good that it cannot be ignored. I’m going to follow my bliss and act upon this glorious sensation of joy.”
– Wayne Dyer

Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.”
– Wayne Dyer

“People who want the most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Present-moment living, getting in touch with your now, is at the heart of effective living. When you think about it, there really is no other moment you can live. Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Real magic in relationships means an absence of judgment of others.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Relationships based on obligation lack dignity.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Remember, purpose is about giving…All you can do with your life is to give it away in the service of others.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Say to yourself, ‘I’m here on purpose, I can accomplish anything I desire, and I do it by being in harmony with the all-pervading creative force in the universe.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Self-worth comes from one thing – thinking that you are worthy.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Simply put, you believer that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Society demands conformity at the expense of individual liberty. Let us be for once a non conformist to be fully alive.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Spend some time observing babies and vow to emulate their joy.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”
– Wayne Dyer

“Successful people make money. It’s not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do.”
– Wayne Dyer

“The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized.”
– Wayne Dyer

“The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do.”
– Wayne Dyer

“The fact that you are willing to say, “I do not understand, and it is fine,” is the greatest understanding you could exhibit.”
– Wayne Dyer

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