Productivity Quotes And Sayings


Productivity Quotes And Sayings

“You can fool everyone else, but you can’t fool your own mind.”
– David Allen

“Everything you’ve told yourself you ought to do, your mind thinks you should do right now. Frankly, as soon add you have two things to do stored in your RAM, you’ve generated personal failure, because you can’t do two things at the same time. This produces an all-pervasive stress factor whose source can’t be pin-pointed.”
– David Allen

“Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks—cutting loose debris that’s impeding forward motion.”
– David Allen

“See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.”
– David Lynch

“Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.”
– Douglas R. Hofstadter

“If you commit to giving more time than you have to spend, you will constantly be running from time debt collectors.”
– Elizabeth Grace Saunders

“I have a plan, and I’m following it. I can focus on doing what is within my control, and I don’t need to be afraid of the results.”
– Elizabeth Grace Saunders

“Time investment is the NEW Time Management.”
– Elizabeth Grace Saunders

“Time Progression: Wasting >>Spending >> Managing >> Investing
– Elizabeth Grace Saunders

“Your time is your life.”
– Elizabeth Grace Saunders

“Elbow grease is the best polish.”
English Proverb

“Never mistake motion for action.”
– Ernest Hemingway

“On every level of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgment and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur.”
– Evelyn Underhill

“You need to write down an unrealistic goal and start to live and breathe it every single day. This can be simple, or more complex. Make it crazy though! The sky is the limit, and trust me, people have been up there too.”
– Everett Bogue

“My goal is no longer to get more done, but rather to have less to do.”
– Francine Jay

Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.”
– Franz Kafka

“Youth is an unpleasant period; for then it is not possible or not prudent to be productive in any sense whatsoever.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche

“When one has much to put into them, a day has a hundred pockets.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche

“I have always advocated for funding and programs that increase our productivity and competitiveness.”
– George Allen

“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”
George Bernard Shaw

“But I was too restless to watch long; I’m too Occidental for a long vigil. I could work at a problem for years, but to wait inactive for twenty-four hours — that’s another matter.”
– H.G. Wells

“While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.”
– Henry C. Link

“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?”
– Henry David Thoreau

“It is not enough to be busy… The question is: what are we busy about?”
– Henry David Thoreau

“Something attempted, something done, Has earned a night’s repose.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“We have a strategic plan. It’s called doing things.”
– Herb Kelleher

“If there are nine rabbits on the ground, if you want to catch one, just focus on one.”
– Jack Ma

“The productivity now at universities is terrible. Tenure is a terrible idea. It keeps them around forever and they don’t have to work hard.”
– Jack Welch

“Paying good wages is not in opposition to good productivity.”
– James Sinegal

“The years after 50 can be a time of great productivity, meaningful work, pleasure, creativity, and innovation. It’s a huge opportunity.”
– Jane Pauley

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