Productivity Quotes And Sayings


Productivity Quotes And Sayings

Here is a collection of productivity quotes and sayings from various authors, celebrities, famous persons, and other sources compiled by for you to read and enjoy.

“Section the Post-It into four squares, put your most important task in the top left, and then use the other three for things you’d like to accomplish today.”
– Adam Dachis

Money doesn’t have anything have anything to do with the magnificence of a person. It doesn’t. What matters is what you make. Whether it’s a cake for bingo night or a costume for a saint or a wall of water–whatever you pour into this life is what makes you rich.”
– Adriana Trigiani

“One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life.”
– Alexander A. Bogomoletz

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The Sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”
– Alexander Graham Bell

“Shorter daylight hours can affect sleep, productivity and state of mind. Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, may help. It uses light boxes emitting full-spectrum light to simulate sunlight.”
– Andrew Well

“Productiveness is your acceptance of morality, your recognition of the fact that you choose to live.”
– Ayn Rand

“You’re alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act.”
– Barbara Hall

“Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Do not squander time for that is the stuff life is made of. ”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Take time for all things: great haste makes great waste.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Remember that time is money.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“Louis Braille created the code of raised dots for reading and writing that bears his name and brings literacy, independence, and productivity to the blind.”
– Bob Ney

“You cannot eat every tadpole and frog in the pond, but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one, and that will be enough, at least for the time being.”
Brian Tracy

“You are where you are and what you are because of yourself, nothing else. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn’t care. If you do what other successful people do, you will enjoy the same results and rewards that they do. And if you don’t, you won’t.”
– Brian Tracy

“The more reasons you have for achieving your goal, the more determined you will become.”
– Brian Tracy

“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.”
– Bruce Lee

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”
– Bruce Lee

“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
– Bruce Lee

“Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard.”
– Caterina Fake

“Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.”
– Charles Caleb Colton

“Don’t curse the darkness — light a candle.”
Chinese Proverb

“Pursue meaningful adventures.”
– Chris Guillebeau

“The rules are simple. Take your work, but never yourself, seriously. Pour in the love and whatever skill you have, and it will come out.”
– Chuck Jones

“Nothing is a mistake. There’s no win and no fail. There’s only make.”
– Corita Kent

“Consider everything an experiment.”
– Corita Kent

“The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.”
Dale Carnegie

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”
– David Allen

“You don’t actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it ‘done’.”
– David Allen

“When we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding.”
– David Allen

“Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks—cutting loose debris that’s impeding forward motion.”
– David Allen

“There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but the way out is through.”
– David Allen

“What we truly need to do is often what we most feel like avoiding.”
– David Allen

“If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.”
– David Allen

“Most people feel best about their work the week before their vacation, but it’s not because of the vacation itself. What do you do the last week before you leave on a big trip? You clean up, close up, clarify, and renegotiate all your agreements with yourself and others. I just suggest that you do this weekly instead of yearly.”
– David Allen

“You don’t actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it “done.”
– David Allen

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