More Break Up Quotes And Sayings


More Break Up Quotes And Sayings

“The only whole heart is a broken one because it lets the light in.”
– David J. Wolpe

“I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT…Goodbye.”
– Steve Maraboli

“To be rejected by someone doesn’t mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn’t mean that nobody will ever love you anymore. Remember that only ONE person has rejected you at the moment, and it only hurt so much because to you, that person’s opinion symbolized the opinion of the whole world, of God.”
– Jocelyn Soriano

“He brought out the worst in me, and was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
– Coco J. Ginger

“Yes, I understand why things had to happen this way. I understand his reason for causing me pain. But mere understanding does not chase away the hurt. It does not call upon the sun when dark clouds have loomed over me. Let the rain come then if it must come! And let it wash away the dust that hurt my eyes!”
– Jocelyn Soriano

“You put me through hell. On purpose. Made me suffer. And there’s no end in sight. I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, ace, but this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shit ain’t cutting it with me.”
– Sylvia Day

“It is our wounds that create in us a desire to reach for miracles. The fulfillment of such miracles depends on whether we let our wounds pull us down or lift us up towards our dreams.”
– Jocelyn Soriano

“I felt her absence. it was like waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. you wouldn’t need to run to the mirror to know they were gone”
– James Dashner

“She wanted to write to him. Tell him she was glad he was back, that he was alive, that he was home and safe. But words to him no longer fit right in her mouth. Words which belonged in his ownership were no longer hers to give. Silence was the only acceptable state her heart would grant. He would never know what he missed, because she refused to be heard in his presence. All the words he could have had, all the phrases he might have danced with. The smiles which would have been imprinted upon his heart, would never be. And his lips would never be able to reply to the words she could not say.”
– Coco J. Ginger

“The harder you slam a ball into the ground, the higher it bounces back up… A divorce, a breakup, losing a job, or just feeling seriously down can ground you, rough you up a bit, leave calluses on your feet and grit under your finger nails. But more than that, it leaves you wiser and stronger next time… Life is about experiencing opposites isn’t it?”
– Laurel House

“Why don’t you just pretend that the asshole dropped dead? You can’t call or write to a dead man. Put a couple of candles in front of his picture, say a few Hail Mary’s, and get it over with.”
– Isabel Lopez

“But every spiteful word she ever wrote him was effortless love clenched in her fists. Her heart screaming for stability in this fiery game of desire.”
– Coco J. Ginger

“He cared less, so they cared more. He said it was beautiful. I knew he was broken. This was his game.”
– Coco J. Ginger

“The last excuse that I’ll claim, I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl.”
– Ron Pope

“When you feel in love with an ex, it isn’t that you still love him, but that you are simply stuck in the idea of what YOU did wrong.”
– R. Lopez

“You know you’ve checked into Heartbreak Hotel for real when you feel less desirable than uncooked fish.”
– Plum Sykes

“All my joys resemble more a momentary intoxication than the real gold of happiness. It was all but an illusion.”
– Richard von Kraff Ebing

“But now the other half of “us” was gone and, lying there in my shadowy room, I’d be struck with this realization that I had no clue how to be just me again.”
– Jennifer Brown

“I have fooled life and life has fooled me. We are quits. I say good-bye. Think sometimes in the hour of happiness of your poor, comical fool who loved you truly and so well.”
– Richard von Kraff Ebing

“He’d lost the only part of his life that made it worth living because of a couple random fucks. How ridiculous.”
– Sonny Hassell

Dating is the best inward and outward sign that you’ve moved on after a big break.”
– Claudia In Baby Proof

“Denis’s love for Mattia had burned itself out, like a forgotten candle in an empty room, leaving behind a ravenous discontent”
– Paolo Giordano

“Mattia’s voice no longer stirred anything in his stomach, but he was aware of the idea of him and always would be, as the only true benchmark for everything that had come afterward.”
– Paolo Giordano

“It’s funny that the person who hurts you is the one who swore they never would.”
– Unknown

“Quit playing, you didn’t love me from the start.. You’re the reason why I feel this way, you broke my fucking heart… and I gave you all my trust, and you just tore it all apart.”
– Drake

“Roses are red, violets are blue, so glad I finally realized I’m better off without you!”
– Unknown

“Treat me like a joke, watch me leave you like its funny”
– Unknown

“My love for you is fading, someone who’s better than you is out there waiting.”
– Unknown

“Everything was perfect, we were as happy as can be, then you remembered her and forgot about me.”
– Brittany Snyder

“The HARDEST PART about BREAKING UP is the next day, opening your notebook only you see I LOVE YOU scribbled all over.”
– Alyssa

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