Mexican Sayings And Quotes


Mexican Sayings And Quotes

“Each madman on his high horse
Mexican sayings

“Tell me who you are friends with and I’ll tell you who you are”
– Mexican sayings

“Being alone is preferable to being in bad company”
– Mexican sayings

“A full belly and a happy heart
– Mexican sayings

“Advice I sell and for myself have none”
– Mexican sayings

“Everyone cuts firewood from the fallen tree”
– Mexican sayings

“Flies don’t enter a shut mouth”
– Mexican sayings

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed is king”
– Mexican sayings

“Better to be a mouse’s head than a lion’s tail”
– Mexican sayings

“A cat with mittens cannot hunt mice”
– Mexican sayings

“Lots of noise and little substance”
– Mexican sayings

“Better a bird in hand than a hundred in the sky”
– Mexican sayings

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.”
– Charles Bowden

“These paintings say Mexico is an ancient thing that will still go on forever telling its own story in slabs of color leaves and fruits and proud naked Indians in a history without shame. Their great city of Tenochtitlan is still here beneath our shoes and history was always just like today full of markets and wanting.”
– Barbara Kingslover

“El tamaño del narcotráfico en México equivale a la magnitud de la corrupción.”
– Rafael Rodriquez Castaneda

“The world of global drug production, shipping distribution, sales, and consumption is too complex, however, to be understood in any single us-and-them story.”
– John Gibler

“…perché chi è cresciuto qui, per quanto possa sembrare impossibile a chi vi ha passato pochi giorni con gli occhi lacrimosi e la gola bruciante, ama il suo De-Efe di un amore viscerale ed appassionato…”
– Pino Cacucci

“El PRI salió de Los Pinos pero no del alma de México.”
– Jorge G. Castaneda

“Now the moon of the Aztecs is at the zenith, and all the world lies still. Full and white, the white of bones, the white of a skull; blistering the center of the sky well with its throbbing, not touching it on any side. Now the patio is a piebald place of black and white, burning in the downward-teeming light. Not a leaf moves, not a petal falls, in this fierce amalgam. (“The Moon Of Montezuma”)”
– Cornell Woolrich

“México es un país de fatalidades dinámicas… un país con demasiadas insatisfacciones sepultadas en el tiempo, largos siglos de pobreza, de injusticia, de sueños soterrados.”
– Carlos Fuentes

“México es un país de fatalidades dinámicas… un país con demasiadas insatisfacciones sepultadas en el tiempo, largos siglos de pobreza, de injusticia, de sueños soterrados.”
– Billy Connolly

“No Trevino speaks Mexican.”
– Seve Ballesteros

“Democracy is suffering because problems that affect the daily lives of Mexican citizens are going unreported.”
– Carlos Lauria

“Imagine going in knowing that no Mexican American before you had ever succeeded in a lead role,”
– George Lopez

“How is that making the border safer? When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?”
– David Gonzales

“How is that making the border safer? When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?”
– Jorge Ramos

“If we can stop the egg eating by macho Mexicans, we can save thousands of turtles. If you want to improve your sex performance, go take Viagra. Don’t kill one of the oldest animals on the planet.”
– Homero Aridjis

“We’d save lives because Mexican wetbacks, whatever you want to call them, the coyotes–they’re not going to do what they’re doing now, all right, so people aren’t going to die in the desert.”
– Bill O’ Reilly

“[The marches] have focused the American people’s attention on people marching in the streets and waving Mexican flags … who may not be grateful for the taxpayer-subsidized benefits they’re getting and who are jumping in line ahead of those who are doing it legally. There is a quiet rage building.”
– Connie Hair

“We have a lot of Mexicans that work … here for the landscaping businesses, and I have no idea if they’re illegal or not.”
– Carolyn Long

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