Inspirational Quotes For Students


Inspirational Quotes For Students

“I do not want the peace which passeth understanding, I want the understanding which bringeth peace. “ 
– Helen Keller

“The worst thing a kid can say about homework is that it is too hard. The worst thing a kid can say about a game is it’s too easy.” 
– Henry Jenkins

“The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“The life so short, the craft so long to learn.” 
– Hippocrates

“I’m not concerned about your comfort zone or readiness for change. I’m concerned about the kids who just entered Kindergarten.” 
– Ian Jukes

“One of the greatest journeys in life is overcoming insecurity and learning to truly not give a shit.” 
– J.A. Konrath

“We are all failures- at least the best of us are.”
– J.M. Barrie

“Learning how to love is like learning how to tie your shoes, and that’s precisely why I wear slippers.”
– Jarod Kintz

“Because I trust in the ever-changing climate of the heart. (At least, today I feel that way.) I think it is necessary to have many experiences for the sake of feeling something; for the sake of being challenged, and for the sake of being expressive, to offer something to someone else, to learn what we are capable of.”
– Jason Mraz

“Real learning comes about when the competitive spirit has ceased.” 
– Jiddu Krishnamurti

“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”
– Jim Henson

“What you keep before your eyes will affect you.” 
– Joel Osteen

“Instruction does much, but encouragement everything.”
– Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

“To learn something new, take the path that you took yesterday.” 
– John Burroughs

“He who laughs most, learns best” 
– John Cleese

“When written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.”
– John F. Kennedy

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
– John F. Kennedy

“Will raised both eyebrows. ‘Well, you learn a new thing everyday,’ he said reflectively. In your case, that’s no exaggeration,’ Halt said, completely straight-faced.”
– John Flanagan

“The end of all learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love and imitate Him.” 
– John Milton

“Genius is an exceedingly common human quality, probably natural to most of us.” 
– John Taylor Gatto

“My new favorite quote is, “Feed kids Cokes and french fries and you get an obesity crisis. Feed them mental junk food and you get non-readers and poor thinkers.” 
– Joy Hakim

Music is stored in our long-term memory. When we learn something through music, we tend to remember it longer and believe it more deeply. Dr. Joyce Brothers” 
– Joyce Brothers

“No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge. The teacher who walks in the shadow of the temple, among his followers, gives not of his wisdom but rather of his faith and his lovingness. If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”
– Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

“No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it” 
– Karl R. Popper

“He was twenty. I remembered twenty. I’d known everything at twenty. It took me another year to realize I knew nothing. I was still hoping to learn something before I hit thirty, but I wasn’t holding my breath.”
– Laurell K. Hamilton

Literature is the safe and traditional vehicle through which we learn about the world and pass on values from on generation to the next. Books save lives.” 
– Laurie Anderson

“Change is the end result of all true learning.”
– Leo Buscaglia

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”
– Leonardo Da Vinci

“The knowledge of all things is possible”
– Leonardo Da Vinci

“The greatest wisdom consists in knowing one’s own follies.” 
– Madeleine De Souvre Sable

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