Horse Quotes And Sayings


Horse Quotes And Sayings

“In riding a horse we borrow freedom.”
– Helen Thomson

“Honor lies in the mane of a horse.”
– Herman Melville

“A crime against one’s dog, is a crime that strikes at the very heart of man.”
– Janai-Ami

“The horse through all its trials has preserved the sweetness of paradise in its blood.”
– Johannes Jensen

“There are only two emotions that belong in the saddle; one is a sense of humour and the other is patience.”
– John Lyons

“Wherever man has left his footprint in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization we will find the hoofprint of the horse beside it.”
– John Moore

“A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.”
– John Steinbeck

Courage is being scared to death – and saddling up anyway.”
– John Wayne

“Horses and children, I often think, have a lot of the good sense there is in the world.”
– Josephine Demott Robinson

“When riding a horse, we leave our fear, troubles, and sadness behind on the ground.”
– Juli Carlson

“Horses are the dolphins of the plains, the spirits of the wind; yet we sit astride them for the sake of being well-groomed, whereas they could have all the desire in the world to bolt, but instead, they adjust their speed and grace, only to please us, never to displease.”
– Lauren Salerno

“I sit astride life like a bad rider on a horse. I only owe it to the horse’s good nature that I am not thrown off at this very moment.”
– Ludwig Wittgenstein

“It excites me that no matter how much machinery replaces the horse, the work it can do is still measured in horsepower…..even in this space age.  And although a riding horse often weighs half a ton, and a big drafter a full ton, either can be led about by a piece of string if he has been wisely trained.  This to me is a constant source of wonder, and challenge.”
– Marguret Henry

People on horses look better than they are. People in cars look worse than they are.”
– Marya Mannes

“The horse stares at its captor, barely remembering the free kicks of youth.”
– Mason Cooley 

“I’m still a horse that can run. I may not be able to win the Derby, but what do you do when you retire? People retire and they vegetate. They go away and they dry up.”
– Mel Brooks 

“It is not enough for a man to know how to ride; he must know how to fall.”
Mexican Proverb

“If God had intended man to walk, he would have given him four legs. Instead, he gave him two – one to put on either side of a horse.”
– Montana Rancher 

“There on the tips of fair fresh flowers feedeth he; How joyous is his neigh, there in the midst of sacred pollen hidden all hidden he; how joyous is his neigh.”
– Navajo Song

“He’s not going to look back if you don’t,’ he said, ‘They’re the most forgiving creatures God ever made.”
– Nicholas Evans

“Ah, steeds, steeds, what steeds! Has the whirlwind a home in your manes? Is there a sensitive ear, alert as a flame, in your every fiber? Hearing the familiar song from above, all in one accord you strain your bronze chests and, hooves barely touching the ground, turn into straight lines cleaving the air, and all inspired by God it rushes on!”
– Nikolai V. Gogol

“A horse will never tire of a rider who possesses both tact and sensitivity because he will never be pushed beyond his possibilities.”
– Nuno Oliveira

“A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.”
– Ovid 

“A horse can lend its rider the speed and strength he or she lacks, but the rider who is wise remembers it is no more than a loan.”
– Pam Brown

“A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.”
– Pam Brown

“There is nothing like a rattling ride for curing melancholy!”
– Pared 

“If your horse says no, you either asked the wrong question, or asked the question wrong.”
– Pat Parelli

“Your seat is a verb, and your reins are adjectives to add beauty and shape.”
– Pat Parelli

“A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care.”
– Pat Parelli

“God forbid that I should go to any Heaven in which there are no horses.”
– R.B. Cunninghame Graham

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