Father’s Day Quotes For Paying Tribute To Dad


Father’s Day Quotes For Paying Tribute To Dad

“It is a wise child that knows its own father, and an unusual one that unreservedly approves of him.”
Mark Twain

“A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties. A father can do neither. If only sons could see the paradox, they would understand the dilemma.”
– Marlene Dietrich

“Honor thy father and thy mother.”
– Matthew 19:19

“My father died many years ago, and yet when something special happens to me, I talk to him secretly not really knowing whether he hears, but it makes me feel better to half believe it.”
– Natasha Josefowitz

“A father’s words are like a thermostat that sets the temperature in the house”
– Paul Lewis

“It would seem that something which means poverty, disorder and violence every single day should be avoided entirely, but the desire to beget children is a natural urge.”
– Phillis Diller

“The thing to remember about fathers is, they’re men. A girl has to keep it in mind: They are dragon seekers, bent on improbable rescues. Scratch any father, you find Someone chock full of qualms and romantic terrors, Believing change is a threat Like your first shoes with heels on, like your first bicycle It took such months to get.”
– Phyllis McGinley

“It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”
– Pope John XXIII

“A wise son maketh a glad father.”
Proverbs 10:1

“An angry father is most cruel towards himself.”
– Publilius Syrus

“None of you can ever be proud enough of being the child of such a Father who has not his equal in this world – so great, so good, so faultless. Try, all of you, to follow in his footsteps and don’t be discouraged, for to be really in everything like him none of you, I am sure, will ever be. Try, therefore, to be like him in some points, and you will have acquired a great deal.”
– Queen Victoria of England

“The father who loves his children will not substitute toys for time, replace commendation with condemnation but will be their teacher not taskmaster.”
– R. Robert Flatt

“Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected.”
– Red Buttons

“Average fathers have patience. Good fathers have more patience. Great fathers have an ocean of patience.”
– Reed Markham

“Great fathers do what weak fathers don’t want to do.”
– Reed Markham

“Great fathers don’t find fault. Great fathers find solutions.”
– Reed Markham

“Great fathers plan their work for the day, and then work the plan with energy, strength, and initiative.”
– Reed Markham

Successful fatherhood involves daily drops of kindness, support, and love.”
– Reed Markham

“The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother’s always a Democrat.”
– Robert Frost

“You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You have to deserve your father’s. He’s more particular.”
– Robert Frost

Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.”
– Robert Orben

“If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time.”
– Russell Hoban

“Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.”
– Ruth E. Renkel

“Nobody ever asks a father how he manages to combine marriage and a career.”
– Sam Ewing

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.”
– Sigmund Freud

“His mother called such people ignorant and superstitious, but his father only shook his head slowly and puffed his pipe and said that sometimes old stories had a grain or two of truth in them and it was best not to take chances. It was why, he said, he crossed himself whenever a black cat crossed his path.”
– Stephen King

“There in every memory see his love and care; strength and hands to count on, freely he does share.”
– Sue Skeen

“Provider, toil so faithfully to make our dreams come true; give strong and tender discipline, though it is hard to do.”
– Sue Skeen

“A Father is God‘s chosen one to lead the family, and point it to His will for life of love and harmony.”
– Sue Skeen

“A man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and the two become one flesh.”
– The Bible

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