Age Quotes And Sayings


Age Quotes And Sayings

“The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.”
– Doug Larson

“You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair.”
– Douglas MacArthur

“In a man’s middle years there is scarcely a part of the body he would hesitate to turn over to the proper authorities.”
– E.B. White

“I spent my 30s fixing everything I broke in my 20s.”
– Eddie Murphy

“It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.” 
– Edgar Allan Poe

“Being an old maid is like death by drowning — a really delightful sensation after you have ceased struggling.”
– Edna Ferber

“Like our shadows, our wishes lengthen as our sun declines.”
– Edward Young

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.” 
– Ellen DeGeneres

“We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”
– Emily Dickinson

“As a graduate of the Zsa Zsa Gabor School of Creative mathematics, I honestly do not know how old I am.”
– Erma Bombeck

“No, that is the great fallacy: the wisdom of old men. They do not grow wise. They grow careful.” 
– Ernest Hemingway

“Thirty–the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief-case of enthusiasm, thinning hair.” 
– F. Scott Fitzgerald

“Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.”
– Francis Bacon

“I will never be an old man. To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.”
– Francis Bacon 

“Old men are fond of giving good advice, to console themselves for being no longer in a position to give bad examples.”
– François La Rochefoucauld

“We’ve put more effort into helping folks reach old age than into helping them enjoy it.”
– Frank A. Clark

“Years ago we discovered the exact point, the dead center of middle age. It occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush to the net.”
– Franklin Adams

“There must be a day or two in a man’s life when he is the precise age for something important.”
– Franklin P. Adams

“Grandchildren don’t make a man feel old; it’s the knowledge that he’s married to a grandmother.”
– G. Norman Collie

“You get old and you realize there are no answers, just stories.” 
– Garrison Keillor

“Youth is a wonderful thing.  What a crime to waste it on children.”
George Bernard Shaw

“When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick.” 
– George Burns

“At 50, everyone has the face he deserves.” 
– George Orwel

“We are always the same age inside.”
– Gertrude Stein

Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered.”
– Graham Greene

“Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.”
– Groucho Marx quotes

“Everyone is the age of their heart.”
– Guatemalan Proverb

“The older I grow, the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom.” 
– H.L. Mencken

“To know how to grow old is the master-work of wisdom, and one of the most difficult chapters in the great art of living.”
– Henri Amiel

“The boy gathers materials for a temple, and then when he is thirty, concludes to build a woodshed.”
– Henry David Thoreau

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